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Karl Arakelian DMD Blog

What if my tooth or my kid’s tooth pops out?

May 1, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 9:39 pm

During Game 1 of the Celtics-Wizards game, Celtic guard, Isaiah Thomas, got elbowed in the mouth, and his front tooth went flying onto the Garden’s parquet floor.

At the conclusion of the play, he did exactly what he was supposed to do; he picked the front tooth up and had it re-placed by team medical personnel. However, the procedure didn’t last, because they were not able to stabilize the tooth. There was no time (or maybe no means available) during a playoff game. Post-game interviews showed him with one less front tooth.

The exact same thing happened to one of our patients last month.

I am the dentist of a local high school and treat mostly wisdom teeth and chipped teeth, but the Thursday night phone call challenged us.


When should you take your child to the dentist?

April 26, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 3:40 pm

As we continue to meet new families in our practice, we are frequently asked, “When should I bring my kid to the dentist?”

We are a general dental practice which treats patients from 2-102. We actually  had a patient, Herb, years ago who had a functional dentition at age 102!  And we also are treating a family of 4 generations that has been coming to our Haverhill office for over 50 years.


My Wife is Doing Invisalign!

March 28, 2017

I never thought it would happen.

My wife grew up with several siblings and never had orthodontic treatment. Her teeth are not unhealthy or unsightly, but some crowding on both top and bottom teeth has started. It took a fair bit of convincing, but I started her Invisalign (invisible braces) treatment last month.

I wanted a few weeks of her wearing the clear retainers before I dared declare success, but she is well on the way to straighter teeth.


Silver or White Fillings; Which Should I Put In My Mouth?

March 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 9:35 pm

Silver or white? Metal or plastic? Mercury or bonded?

When a dentist offers you a choice to restore or fill your back teeth (either molars or premolars), you, the patient, must decide how to proceed.


Short Story of a Haverhill Dentist

February 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 2:53 pm

I have previously written about my close ties to Haverhill, MA and how exciting it is to be still working here after being  born and raised in Haverhill.

My grandfather was a second generation Armenian who lived in Haverhill. He owned a shoe factory in downtown Haverhill during the time Haverhill was coined “America’s Shoe City”. He lived in the “Bradford section of Haverhill” until his death.


Check In with Your Haverhill Dentist for Twice a Year Checkups

February 19, 2017

Filed under: Oral Health — Tags: , — drarakelian @ 11:31 pm

See the Haverhill dentist regularly for dental checkupsQuestion: Do you really need to see the dentist twice a year for a checkup? Answer: Yes. Not just because Haverhill dentist Dr. Arakelian really enjoys spending time with you—although that’s certainly true! He also wants to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy and that dental problems haven’t developed since your last checkup.


Revisiting Dental Insurance

January 11, 2017

As we begin a new year, I want to revisit a feature we introduced to our office almost one year ago.

We call it the Church Street Dental Plan.

Think of it as a membership similar  to a big-box warehouse, except Karl Arakelian, DMD remains a small, personable, comfortable dental practice in a world where dentistry is trending closer and closer to our medical counterparts.


How to Pick a Cosmetic Dentist in Haverhill

December 28, 2016

A cosmetic dentist in Haverhill enhances the appearance of your healthy smile. How should you pick the care provider who’s right for you?You have noticeable smile defects, and your self-confidence is suffering because of them. You want to make some changes to your tooth color and shape. Which cosmetic dentist in Haverhill is right for you? It could be Dr. Karl Arakelian. Read about how to find the best fit for you and your smile.


Dentist in Haverhill Uses Digital Imagery for Invisalign Prep

November 30, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 8:23 pm

dentist in Haverhill uses latest technologyNeed orthodontic treatment? To get you ready for braces, your dentist will first need to create a 3D model of your teeth. That means opening wide for a messy, uncomfortable impression. It’s enough to make a lot of people dread orthodontics — but today, there’s a better alternative. Your dentist in Haverhill uses digital impressions with Invisalign!


So I’ve had my implant placed. Then what happens?

October 10, 2016

Filed under: Dental Implants,Dental Procedures,Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 12:31 pm

Previously, we spoke about the basics of dental implant placement and subsequent dental restorations on top of the implant(s). Today, I will elaborate on the timing of each of the procedures.

When a patient presents to our office as a candidate for dental implants to replace missing teeth, we evaluate the area(s) and educate the patient about the process. We also provide options as there can be multiple other means to replace a tooth or in some cases many teeth. There are also situations where we replace an entire arch. That is, all of the top and/or bottom teeth.

Please visit our website for concise patient videos about the process and other available options.–bridges.html

As an example, let us suppose a patient is missing a molar. We want to replace it with a dental implant restoration, because the patient has lost significant chewing ability.

We refer the patient to one of our local implant surgeons. They can be either an oral surgeon or a periodontist (gum specialist).

Once the the implant is placed, we have to ensure that the the bone and gum surrounding the implant is healthy (integrated). This integration process may take 3-6 months.

In our example, a molar (back tooth) is missing, so we don’t usually need a temporary appliance. But if a front tooth is missing, the patient typically requires something to wear for the interim.

Once the surgeon has verified the health of the implant, we, as the restorative dentist, can proceed to the final crown.

This where it starts to get really cool.

We have a digital scanner made by 3M that takes a series of digital images of the implant, the adjacent teeth, and the other jaw. We upload those images to our dental laboratory, and they fabricate a custom abutment and crown. The custom abutment is a post that is screwed into the implant, and the crown is the cap that the patient is able to now chew with. And voila, the process is complete.

Please call our office at 978.373.0901 for more information and mention this blog post for a complementary consultation.





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