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Karl Arakelian DMD Blog

Here is another very rewarding case we did in our office recently:

November 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 2:14 pm

As you can see, Ed has some severely stained, decayed and fractured teeth. His is a very active and gregarious 71-year-old male who is new to our practice. He was afraid to smile.


Dentist Shares 5 Oral Health Tips for a Healthy Halloween

October 24, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 9:14 pm

family celebrating HalloweenBoo! Halloween is always a spooky season, but you should be more afraid than usual this fall about cavities? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tooth decay is the most common chronic disease for children ages 6 to 19. Halloween candy and other sugary fall treats like caramel apples can contribute to tooth decay if preventive measures are not taken. Follow these 5 simple tips from a dentist to enjoy a happy, healthy Halloween.


The Power of Invisalign

October 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:37 pm

I first met Jason Santos 20 years ago when he was a young chef in Boston. He worked with my wife teaching healthy cooking classes to underprivileged families in the inner city. He has since “graduated” to be one of Boston’s most recognizable chefs. He owns and operates three downtown restaurants including Abby Lane, Buttermilk & Bourbon, and Citrus & Salt. His unmistakable blue hair can also be seen on Bar Rescue, The View and The Today Show.

When he first became a patient in our Haverhill, MA office, he (like most patients) didn’t like going to the dentist.


Your Dentist Explains Why Invisalign is Better Than DIY Braces

September 25, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 12:48 pm

woman inserting clear tray in mouthAccording to many people, we’re now living in the Information Era – a time when anything you want to know is available at your fingertips. Overall, this is very helpful for tasks like changing a fuse in your car or replacing a leaky faucet, but your dentist warns that a line should be drawn on what fits under the umbrella of do-it-yourself (DIY). One of the areas that should be left to professionals is dental care and, more specifically, orthodontic treatment. As you read on, you’ll learn why the new online trend of DIY braces isn’t healthy and how Invisalign offers better and safer results for correcting bite issues.


Brand New Smile

September 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 2:45 pm

I met this young man when he was referred to me by another dentist. “Jim” had not been to a dentist for many years and was obviously not pleased with his appearance. He has significant dental needs and asked me if we could fix his smile. I explained several different options to repair and/or replace his teeth. We decided on a very simple and less costly approach involving composite bonding.


Is Invisalign Possible if You’ve Had Braces Previously? Learn Today!

August 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 8:34 pm

A pair of clear aligners.As it turns out, one of the most common types of people to come in asking about Invisalign are those who had braces at a young age. Unfortunately, it’s easy for teeth to shift back if people don’t wear their retainers long enough after orthodontic treatment. As a result, they experience a relapse in their treatment, often leading to crooked teeth, poor bites, and a smile they’re embarrassed to show off.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get a second chance with Invisalign. Keep reading to learn more about your options!


Electric Toothbrush or Manual? A Family Dentist Offers an Opinion

July 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 5:58 pm

choosing a toothbrushOral hygiene has come a long way since the days when our ancestors used frayed twigs to clean their teeth. Today, all we have to do is head to the local grocery store or pharmacy and pick up a toothbrush and some toothpaste. But which toothbrush should we choose? An electric one or a manual one? A family dentist is here to compare these two options and help you choose a brush that’s best for your smile.


Want to Save Money? Visit a “Dentist Near Me”!

June 21, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 3:22 pm

saving moneyYou’re a budget-conscious person, and you recognize that it’s always a good idea to save money where possible. After all, you need to pay bills, set aside money for retirement, and still have a bit leftover so you can take that annual vacation. But in all of your eagerness to be the master of your finances, you might make a common mistake — cutting out dental care. While going to your “dentist near me” regularly can seem like a costly hassle, it can actually save you money in the long run.


What to Expect with Your First Visit to Your Dentist in Haverhill

May 12, 2018

Filed under: Oral Health — drarakelian @ 10:46 pm

woman at dentistBrushing and flossing your teeth are important for keeping your smile healthy; however, it is not the only care you need. It is also best to visit in your dentist in Haverhill twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. If it is time for your next appointment and you will be seeing a new dentist, you may be a little nervous about your upcoming visit. You have nothing to fear. When visiting a new location, there are several things you can expect during your appointment.

Your Local Dentist Explains How to Give Canker Sores the Boot!

April 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drarakelian @ 1:49 pm

canker sore on bottom lipIt’s a mild spring day and you have plans to head down to Fenway Park to catch a Red Sox baseball game. On the morning that you’re supposed to leave, you notice an uncomfortable burning sensation inside your mouth and are left wondering what’s going on. Upon examining the problem, you discover a red sore inside your cheek. Your local dentist says this could very well be a canker sore and as you continue reading, he’ll explain what causes it and how it can be prevented and treated.


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